Tuesday, January 09, 2024

A metapod was spotted.....

Like something out of a Pokemon show or game, I spotted this little guy in our bean poll patch located in our garden one summer day. So I caught it with my camera. No poke-ball required. Its supposedly the cocoon of a swallow tailed butterfly. Sadly I wasn't around to actually see the little guy emerge out of his little temporary home. But I did manage to collect the empty container of its former home for my reference collection.


 If you're wondering, all the kitties are doing fine. Not seeing them as much these days except for Felix since its cold. He usually tucked away in his cat box outside. I have been encouraging Felix to come indoors. The rest of my family has been encouraging him too. But sadly he still has a mistrust of humans no matter how nice our house hold is. Still not giving up thought. 

Hope you enjoy my latest pics. Bugs after all are not every one's cup of tea.😊

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