Monday, July 14, 2008

Before I forget, yet more belated spring pics. Should be the last group of these. Next up, my trip to a green house/petting zoo/cafeteria.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Man, after all that rain we've been having, and it was the rainiest June since the 60's. It seems we have loads of insects this year especially ants and mosquitoes. The carpenter ants have made them selves at home in our kitchen. You can see them running around on the counter. First one, then two then, fore more. Escorting them out the door doesn't seem to help either. Oh well, if you can't beat them, join them. I left them a small stick of honey on the counter and they seem to appreciate it. They haven't brought their wrath against us humans. Yet ;) I would rather only have a few ants on the counter then to bomb the whole house with unneeded poisons, and or have those long legged centipedes come and join me in the bathroom any day.

More belated spring pics.
A little behind on things. Oh well.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Happy Birthday Canada. I hope every one had a pleasant one today. I really need to make some Canada themed art work in the future. Any how, mostly spent it working on some artwork in my dungeon like basement. I took a few pics but I sort of have to crop some things out before I show them off a bit. You can check out the latest stuff I'm working out in my Creative blog. Just go to the link in the scrolling events. In the mean time please enjoy these belated spring pics of Blue wasteria vines. LOL