Monday, April 29, 2019

Jurassic Bone Marrow

Yet another red neck folk art creation of my dad's whimsy. It use to be a perfectly normal porous rock decorating our humble little fish pond. But one to two years ago maybe more, can't remember exactly, my dad decided to make it in to this using some cement that was laying around. Something that looks to me like a giant soup bone. I don't know why he needed to do that but on a whim I guess the need was there. It could have been possibly his love of things drum stick or any bone cooked with meat still on it. I know he always has to be the first to grab those. Its the cave man in him I guess. 
It is pretty cool to look at even though I still have mixed feelings about it. I could plant or someone else could plant some nice pinkish flowers in the hole to represent fresh marrow in a bone? Who knows? So far my dad only has planted some random tulips in the hole thinking they would come back every year (but they didn't) but I think much smaller flowers would do much better anyways. 


Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Big Poofy Garlic Flowers

Here we have some more of those last years summer pics for your eye's enjoyment. 
Not normally considered pleasant smelling whether the flowers or the flavouring bulbs, but some nice big poofy garlic flowers over looking the junk in our little back yard. But then beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all. Normally these flowers are even more showier if you plant them in a non domestic way. Meaning if you just bury them in some obscure wild patch of your yard, they will grow some lovely purple-ish colour on the poofy blossoms. Down side they will be a little more puny. Must be the wild stuff in the soil. I would imagine that eating the bulbs later on would naturally be healthier for you then being domesticated. Maybe I'm wrong. None the less these are pretty cool looking.