Lots of weird things happening. Like where did these wheels come from but just as disturbing or curious, where did my newspaper clippings go in my previous post? Was my blog edited with out my knowledge? No free speech? Wait a minute I thought this was a free country and not communism? What ever happened to emailing me first? How rude! 😡I had every right to show off the activity of my neighbourhood. Yup just another slap in my face via human society. What else it new. I mean its just a newspaper clipping from an already paid for newspaper. Its not like I was making money from this. I would never claim to have written that article. Just sharing people! Yeshhhhh! This is really starting to get old. What ever happened to manners? 😒 Rant over!
Anyways there were these large wheels that suddenly appeared in the park across the street, some time two years ago cause that's when I took these pics. It was early in the spring when the leaves were just starting to come out. Hopefully I can show them here and you can see them with out the commies somehow taking them away. I mean what is this place run by the Chinese now? Yeshhh! And yet people are free to harass us via email spam for phishing or any other country full of phishers. Would be nice if those people responsible for all those phishing attempts would be arrested and put a stop to. But Oh yeah punish the person who doesn't cause trouble or want it. Yeah! nice society! Yup we live in a opposite land. Punish the innocent but let the guilty run free. Second rant over! 😒
So yeah we had these particular wheels here, not sure what they were used for but they did make for some interesting objects in the park. Such as photo ops and this one guy would use them as make shift exercise equipment. But then who knows maybe aliens decided to mix it up a bit instead of the usual crop circles. Humans after all are too boring "thinks inside the box all the time" to come up with anything exciting as crop circles and or something intricate. But we do have an opportunity to still learn how to be advanced or evolve, just might take awhile. Hopefully before we make ourselves extinct. 😉 Meh! 😝
RIP Caroll Spinney
5 years ago