Wednesday, February 16, 2022

What do you see?

 Hello world. I'm back. Its been awhile I know. Just been busy with lots of stuff. Especially with a personal project that I have been working on for almost about half a year I think. I made it to the "putting colour on illustrations part" of my stuff. Hopefully can can finish this as soon as possible along with some editing of other things. 

For my avatar on the side over there, Not going to bother to change it for now since its almost spring anyways. 

Anyways we have this lovely pic of my dirty dish. I had just finished eating a slice of blueberry pie or was that cheese cake?  Oh well, yeah its been awhile since it was last year I took that pic.  To what was left behind, really caught my eye. I don't know about you, but I see a beautiful image of a graceful long necked bird. What do you see? 

I think I'll keep the image and when I get around to it, might draw it out. Maybe I'll find more of these "ink blots". 😊