Monday, December 15, 2014

More Burdock ?

Yep more Burdock. Guess I just had to take a few more eh. Of course they were taken earlier in the season but mid summer. I have a few more pics to show in better weather times but just have been busy with other things just never got around to doing that. For one thing I had to move my whole web site to another more stable place and wouldn't you know it they got bought out by another company and never so much as a simple notification. Guess I moved out just in time. Just never got a chance to use that special “site moved” page. Bummer and it was a neat one too. Then today one of the clip art places decided to sell exclusively only 3D models products thus kicking us 2D makers out. But not a total bummer, I never sold an image there any how. Meh! :p None the less I'm still keeping my account there maybe I'll make and sell those models in the future when I can get some software. I did work with Maya software at one time after all. But I may have to go with a cheaper alternative. 

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