Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Just dilly

Last year when I took these pics, like the cat nip, the dill that grew, really was bountiful. Sadly this year the dill that grew back although looked like it was going to really be bountiful again, was not. The swallow tail butterfly cattapillers made sure of that. Usually they go crazy all over the parsley and the tomato plants but for some reason it was the dill's turn to get pummeled. Oh well there's always next year. 

Friday, October 06, 2017

What's a little catnip

Well its October and I'm still pulling up those annoying ivies. Thankfully I can see the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. But the last to pull out is the more difficult. On top of that I think that ivy was the thing that was making me itch all summer. Still have to yank out all those butter cups. 😖

Anyways here are some nice pics of some colossal sized pretty much a bush of cat nip weed I snapped last year. When it came time to get rid of the old growth, I threw it in to the bushes and I think that's what drove Meetso to go over the top. Sadly when I tried to repeat the growth, Meetso as with all cats just couldn't resist raiding the nip. So the only thing that survived this year was the one still hanging in a pot. Oh well. Got to figure something out. 😏