Friday, October 06, 2017

What's a little catnip

Well its October and I'm still pulling up those annoying ivies. Thankfully I can see the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. But the last to pull out is the more difficult. On top of that I think that ivy was the thing that was making me itch all summer. Still have to yank out all those butter cups. 😖

Anyways here are some nice pics of some colossal sized pretty much a bush of cat nip weed I snapped last year. When it came time to get rid of the old growth, I threw it in to the bushes and I think that's what drove Meetso to go over the top. Sadly when I tried to repeat the growth, Meetso as with all cats just couldn't resist raiding the nip. So the only thing that survived this year was the one still hanging in a pot. Oh well. Got to figure something out. 😏

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