Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Last day of a chickadee

Sadly it was the last day on earth for this chickadee. That's why it was so easy to take a pic of this little guy two summers ago with just a regular old digital camera. The poor guy was so sick he wouldn't even move much when I approached him. Even if I touched him too. Although he did kind of sickly give me a protest chirp. But by the end of the day the poor little guy fell asleep and never woke up again. But before that I placed him high on a near by bush so at least he could have some peace. Cause well my cat would have had him as a snack and well you just don't know what kind of diseases the bird had. In the end I buried the little bird in a pot full of leeks and garlic. I think it grew pretty well the next year. 

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