Boy, some people drop F-bombs like
pigeons drop crap on people's heads or perfectly clean cars.
I heard that there's an app now to know
where all the F-bombs are let loose in the world on digital maps and
its live too.
Fascinating I know. North America
seems to be the biggest culprit. No surprise there.
Anyways on a walk not so recent.
Meaning that it was a few months ago when the trees still had their
leaves est I found these two nuts close to where the source tree is.
They were two black walnuts still with their bumpy green coverings on
them. Wow black walnuts! Love those things. Been looking for some for
the longest time. But unfortunately the tree is owned by someone. So
I have yet to find a park with some. So after I took a few pics, I
went to the garage and found a hammer. I gave it a few whacks on each
nut which was no easy task and got to the tasty goodness inside.
Oh and for those who have their minds
in the gutter and or who are holding on to their pants, just stop,
they're just nuts. ;p
Found a rock like that once. ;D;p