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A little post Christmas pre NewYear detour of postings. I just have some of the latest pics of my updated Nativity and some Christmas lights. Haven taken any new ones for a number of years. Not much as changed other then some new angel figures I got recently. Although very nice and flashy but in my opinion cheaper in quality. Yes you have much more flashing action but at the price of the battery power. Oh well.
Below is a pic of our dining room table with a
mini light up Christmas tree without the chandler on. ⇓
Another with changed lights.⇓
Again with the chandler on.⇓
Here you can see our our traditional wreath of
Advent and traditional to my parents people, wheat grass grown in small
containers. Normally these should be decorated with red, white and blue
striped ribbons wrapped around the wheat grass. These unfortunately got a
bit sickly. Probably a lack of proper watering, sun or maybe just
disease. Oh well, my dad tried.
Little Christmas lights look like little "goal" lights from a hockey game. They
twinkle on and off red. Its around this wreath on the window in our
dining room. They make a nice starry pattern behind the curtains.⇓
Another mini Christmas tree. In the dinning room as well, at a corner on top of a glass table.⇓
What our Nativity scene looks like with the
main lights out. You can see the small plastic angels shining different
colours. Just got the two bottom ones this year and already the
batteries are being used up with all the light action they do. Unlike
the better quality angels I have at the top that change their lights
more slowly.
You can also see the starscape my dad has
behind my royal blue starry back drop I made out of a piece I bought at
the store once. I also airbrushed that a bit.
We have this displayed in our living room.⇓
The following are various angles of our
Nativity scene. Here you can see my hand made palm trees made from foam,
cardboard, raffia and discarded nylon remains I collected from my
previous job working on site for an inflatable company. Currently I work
for my self as a freelancer.
Any how, the human figures are original from
when I was a kid. I had repainted them since the original was just
poorly done. The sheep are from various place like dollar stores and
fixed up.⇓
As you can see, some of the things I made
don't always turn out. That cardboard pond did not stay flat. That
manger is something my dad made when I was a little girl. It lights up
inside too. A few years ago my dad covered the walls with white papery
tree bark. He also covered the roof with water reeds. Looks really cool.
The twin paper angels use to be a Christmas bag from one of my mother's friend who has since past away.⇓
Another perspective.⇓
From a plastic sheep's view or a plastic sheep dog. ⇓
You can see that our main and big angel, a
former tree topper has lost her shine. That's alright. We'll figure out a
solution eventually.⇓
A final look. ⇓
The end? Probably not.
Happy NewYear every one. 🎉🎄🎊🎆🎇😺
Yup. Long time no see. Been busy and with some good stuff for a change.
OK Meetso first. This was taken in early spring on a gloomy rainy day. I was with Meetso on the front porch and he was ogling a bunny munching on some nice green spring grass. (showing that in the next post) Before we had that long dry summer this year. So yeah the pic is kind of dark and I could only get it so bright.
I had him sitting up so that's why my hand got in the way of the shot.
More pics next post.
Yup its been a craziness year of business and well craziness. Both of our neighbours now hate us. But I always suspected that they probably already did so. It has something to do with having to replace the central air conditioner during the almost hottest part of July. We had no choice but to have it placed just beyond our fence instead of in the usual spot. Instead its closer to his garage. His sitting during the day spot. He totally freaked over this, basically told us to pack up and get lost.
Even called the city on us. But the representatives didn't do a thing since we are in code. Some people. They think they're so nice but underneath they have a evil core. A real shame. Classic behavior from Godless people. Oh yeah the other neighbour decided that she didn't like my kitty passing though her yard, on occasion peeing on her stuff and decided to hose him down right in front of me. >:( Really? I mean every day there's some animal that goes on her lawn and either takes a pee or poops on her stuff. How come she's not freaking out on those creatures? Guess its also typical of people who live by them selves, who are mad at the world and mad at God. She use to go to church when her mother.
Someone is definitely holding a brick in their heart where her heart should be. *rollie eyes* I mean hay, I have issues, lots of hurtful issues but I don't take it out on the whole world.
Oh speaking of storms, wow 2 tornadoes and a flood. Over all the weather was pretty dry during the "nice and warm" season but wow when it rains, it pours. One tornadoes are rare here so it was a surprise when we got one and then number two. And an a f2 of all things. We were all right but close by there was some damage. Some blown off roofs and bent steal around utilities.
Recently well last week we got this rain storm. Lots of roads and basements in our areas got overwhelmed by water. But my mother and I still when to the mall to take care of things. We on the other hand had a bit of water in our basement. Not a big deal compared to a number of years ago when we had torrential Niagara falls like rain come down. Luckily I was up late working on a project so every one was on alert here. That was a year before Meetso came to live with us.
We also had a perfect storm of squirrels this year. They ate almost everything. The ate all the peaches, grapes, stole tomatoes, attacked our plums and if that wasn't enough, they even tried to gnaw though my bird cages. It was the last straw and caught in succession 7 squirrels in a human-trap and then later dumped them in a forest park well stocked with their natural food. A definite world record for us in catches. We caught 4 or 5 of them last time. Guess the craziness began last fall when there was a bumper crop of acorns last fall. They sure were really fat.
Hopefully there aren't any more perfect storms coming. ;)
I wonder how many more years online bloging will be around. It seems every time I come here every one is always Instagraming or something. Meh. Me I'm quite fine here, thanks.
Anyways I'm tired from having to complete many things such as errands, preparing things, clean, being stressed out about things and est. Its Jam season after all. So I'm just going to show some nice pics of flowers I took with my old digital camera last year. Yep more leftovers. But don't worry I actually have some newer pics of my kitty and critter friends. Well actually cat dinner. But you know? ;)
Not sure what these flower weeds are but they sure were pretty growing in a field, The yellow ones mind me of snap dragons and the purple remind me of sweet pea.
It was windy that day so the images turned out a bit blurry.
Oh so OK when you have lots to do you sort of neglect other things but then what else is new.
So anyways I have this thing I put together but, I really didn't design the kitty image so that's why its in here. After all I didn't airbrush and or design this thing. But what I did do is put several things together instead of just throwing it out. It was just too cute to throw out anyways. I have this old jacket I wear around the backyard when its cold, I saved this old image from a purse that got old and ripped. Plus saved a few other odds and ends from some old jeans I had to throw away as well since they were ripped beyond wearing them. Then I put several things together and what do you have? A nice jacket and no garbage to fill a landfill. A worth while compromise and cause. Plus you get a real nice jacket. :)
Well January and most of February was pretty boring. Good in some ways I guess but bad as in boring in other ways. So not much to say about that. But at least there is some light at the end of the bleak tunnel of winter. We do get to enjoy my dad's cabbage rolls made with homemade sour cabbage. He always likes to add in a few quince fruit for flavour in the batch of cabbage with brine to be soured. But he seems to think that the sour cabbage is really not up to pare this time. Me? I think the SC is great as always. So again this weekend we're having you guessed it his famous and tasty cabbage rolls. Included on the plate besides the Crolls will be some baked potatoes or boiled. Personally I think baked is best. Or you could have polenta with it. Not me. Also added to the tasty plate, some sausage pieces and some homemade smoked pork like ribs for example. Those are my favorite but not often served. Got ta take what you can get I guess.
Oh we don't cover it in tomato sauce. Not part of our eastern European tradition I guess. Very similar to the Polish style. Not missing it any how.
Hope I made you hungry. ;D